To strengthen the monitoring of Anganwadi Services Scheme, the Ministry of Women and Child Development set up a Monitoring and Supervision mechanism of the Anganwadi Services Scheme through NIPCCD in addition to the existing Monitoring and Evaluation Unit in the Ministry of Women and Child Development. At the National level, a Central Monitoring Unit (CMU) has been set up at NIPCCD, New Delhi, with the objective to undertake regular monitoring of the functioning and implementation of Anganwadi Services Scheme across the country.

The Guidelines under the CMU was revised during 2013-14 in view of revision of Records and Registers at AWCs and MIS reporting formats.

The External Institutions like Medical Colleges, School of Social Work and Home Science Colleges were delinked from CMU from 01.04.2017 and onwards. However, all the activities under the CMU have been continued.